The friendly competition between local Brokerages ended June 24th. A total of $6,084 was raised, resulting in a great “jump start” for the “Realtors® Raising the Roof” project. OUTSTANDING! And the Winner is……

1. Abbitt Realty Williamsburg $2,135

BUY A SHARE OF THE FUTURE IN YOUR COMMUNITY A 1,200 square foot Habitat home costs approximately $110,000 to build which breaks down to about $92 per square foot. Therefore, the cost of one SHARE or one square foot is $92. Consider purchasing one SHARE or square foot in a Habitat for Humanity home today! These SHARE certificates can be purchased in honor or memory of a loved one, for a special occasion such as a graduation or birthday gift for only $92. Broken down over a full year, that’s only $0.25 cents a day! These personalized certificates are suitable for framing and will state the number of SHARES purchased, as well as the recipient or purchaser’s name. The home you help build will last for many years and will continue to grow in value.


Click the link to purchase a share:…