Williamsburg REALTORS® in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg and Joy2bfit LLC offers Walk To Race Fitness Program.
Half of the proceeds benefit Williamsburg REALTORS® Raising The Roof project as we are raising $110,000 to build an affordable home in James City County.
It’s an 8-week program (FEB 19-APR 15) with in-person and virtual weekly runs. At the end of the program, runners will participate in the Run The D.O.G. Street 5K Run/Walk www.facebook.com/events/1077231157050220.
To book your fitness program, please, contact Joyclyn Kananen at info@joy2bFIT.com, or (336)486-8272
Click the button below if you want to join the Williamsburg REALTORS® team

Not a runner! You still can support the cause by making a tax-deductible contribution!