Photo/video disclaimer. Registration and attendance at, or participation in, WAAR meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use and distribution of the registrant or attendees’ image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities by WAAR and other third parties, including but not limited to the venue and the speaker..

Volunteer on a Committee:

  • November 15th, 2025 – Deadline to apply to volunteer on a 2026 committee
  • Learn about different Committees at Williamsburg REALTORS®
  • Complete and submit the form:
  • January 1st. 2026 – Committees start their work
budget n finance workgroup

Finance Committee

 Assists CEO finalize the draft annual budget for WAAR/WMLS BOD approval and annual reviews Investment Portfolio and investment policies.  A background and interest in finance or investments is helpful.  

Number of Members: 8
Meeting Requirement: Approximately 3/4 x/year.

Appointed by leadership.

Member & Community Engagement Committee

The Committee is organized into 3 workgroups: Events, Professional Development and Outreach.
Together, working collectively, they shall conduct member engagement opportunities, and member outreach projects and help develop professional learning opportunities among all classes of membership. The Committee shall also identify and conduct community outreach projects to assist in furthering the role REALTORS® play in improving the communities in which they work and live. Additionally, the Committee shall seek to collect member demographic information, including member interests, specialties, and hobbies to assist with identifying which types of events will appeal to the membership. When necessary, the workgroups shall collaborate and band together for large projects and even seek additional resources, input or additional workers from the membership when needed.

Member Engagement

Plans and conducts events to provide networking, engagement opportunities and professional development among all classes of membership in order to retain Association members, promote and encourage participation in the Affiliate Marketing Program (AMP) and seek community, civic and local business involvement.

Number of Members: 9-10
Term 1 calendar year
Meeting Requirement: Approximately 6 to 8x/year.

Appointed by leadership.

Community Engagement

Promotes membership involvement in the community through community revitalization projects and community outreach programs as approved by the Board of Directors. Members of the workgroup work closely with non-profit organizations to conduct fundraisers and Community Beautification projects.

Number of Members: 9
Term 1 calendar year
Meeting Requirement: Approximately 4 to 6x/year.

Appointed by leadership.

Professional Development Workgroup

Responsible for oversight of general course development throughout the year and for the Education Summit & Affiliate Marketing event; offer new member orientation programs, Code of Ethics required courses, basic & intermediate WMLS software courses; conduct an annual training session for all WAAR Real Estate School instructors.

Number of Members: 9
Term 1 calendar year
Meeting Requirement: Approximately 6 to 8x/year.

Appointed by leadership.

Williamsburg REALTORS GMM

Professional Standards Committee

Responsibilities include reviewing ethics and arbitration complaints to determine if a hearing is warranted and if necessary, to conduct a hearing as outlined in the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.

Number of Members:
Term 3 calendar year
Meeting Requirement: .

Appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, for consecutive three-year terms.

professional standards workgroup
public policy workgroup

Public Policy Committee

Informs the leadership and membership of local and state legislative matters affecting the Williamsburg Area Association of REALTORS® jurisdiction; Represents the Association before the governing bodies with general policies established by the Board of Directors; Works to continually improve the quality and quantity of relationships with local, state and national policy makers that represent our jurisdiction; Works to increase the engagement of members and the public in the discussion of public policy issues that affect the real estate industry.

Number of Members: 12
Term 1 calendar year
Meeting Requirement: Approximately 6 to 8x/year.

Appointed by leadership.

RPAC Fundraising Workgroup

Conduct a fundraising campaign to achieve the Associations’ RPAC goals as established by NAR and VR. Said goals include a monetary amount, percentage of participation and major donors.

Number of Members:
Term 1 calendar year
Meeting Requirement:


professional standards workgroup