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Do you have questions about Code of Ethics, Leadership and Policies & Procedures? Please, contact

Do you have an MLS or SentriLock question? Please, contact

Do you have a membership or education question? Please, contact

Do you have a billing or payment question? Please, contact

Do you have a marketing question? Please, contact

Billing and Payments
REALTORS dues (National, State and Local) are invoiced once a year and due in full by October 31st. Invoicing is generally done in early summer to allow for payment plans. Payments can be made via check or credit card (No Cash Accepted).
Reinstatement of REALTOR® membership: If an individual held REALTOR® membership in the prior year, they are responsible for the full current year dues plus any late fees. If an individual did not hold REALTOR® membership in the prior year, they do not need to pay past fees but must submit a new application and pay the application fee as well as prorated dues to rejoin. Additionally, individuals who are reinstating after being inactive for two (2) or more years will be required to attend New Member Orientation.
MLS quarterly fees are billed on the first business day of our billing months (January, April, July, October). Payment is due in full by the last business day of the billing months.
It pays to be a member!
You BELONG HERE. Your membership with Williamsburg REALTORS® gives you access to exclusive REALTOR® benefits and valuable tools and services to enhance your career success. Williamsburg REALTORS® use the combined power of our members to obtain services and support that keep their businesses vibrant and productive. Easily access the tools you need to enhance your professionalism and build your business in the real estate industry. As a Primary or Secondary REALTOR® member you will have access to the best REALTOR® tools that will help you be successful:
Keeping You Informed. Members receive timely, helpful, and effective news and information.
Developing Your Professional Skills. Access FREE high-quality courses that help you achieve a higher professional standard
Resources, Resources, Resources! Your REALTOR® membership gives you access to the world’s largest real estate library that covers a myriad of topics related to commercial and residential real estate.
Promoting YOU. Choose from numerous events where you can meet fellow REALTORS® and network with Affiliate Members.
Reducing Your Risk. REALTORS® have access to a unique Professional Standards Program, including dispute resolution to settle grievances and to enforce the Code of Ethics. The process is used to settle disputes between REALTORS® or between REALTORS® and clients without litigation, saving you potentially expensive court costs and legal fees. As a REALTOR®, you have access through your broker to the VAR Legal Hotline, staffed by attorneys who can assist with questions about state and federal laws and regulations, permissible business practices, and important court rulings affecting real estate practitioners.
Keeping Your Interests in Mind. With the grassroots support of our members and the services of a professional legislative consultant, Williamsburg REALTORS® have a strong presence at the State House, and REALTORS® nationwide are represented on Capitol Hill. Members actively support legislation that improves the quality of life and private property rights and oppose bills that would inhibit your ability to do business.
Here for You. WAAR is open for members Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Stop by to attend or register for a class, get service for Sentrikeys and lockboxes, receive information, or purchase discounted real estate supplies from our REALTOR® store! Whatever you needs, we will do our best to help you on the spot or point you in the right direction for what you’re looking for. Contact us at 757-253-0028.
Continuing Education
To maintain your real estate licenses in the state(s) where they operate, agents and brokers need to participate in defined amounts of continuing education (CE) each year or recurring time period. These requirements are set forth in state laws and are administered by state real estate commissions. The specific requirements, time frames, and due dates vary considerably across states—as do the requirements for obtaining a license, called pre-licensing, and supplemental one-time novice training, called post-licensing. WAAR offers FREE continuing education to all Primary and Secondary members.
Professional Standards and Information on Filing a Complaint
The single, most outstanding characteristic that sets REALTORS® apart from other real estate practitioners is the willingness to accept and abide by the Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. The Code of Ethics, which was first adopted on July 29, 1913, is a living document–responsive in its content to changes in the law and industry. The Code has been revised several times through the years to reflect current developments in professional real estate practice. The term REALTOR® has come to represent competency, fairness, and high integrity. These qualities stem from voluntary adherence to an ideal of moral conduct in real estate business practices. Local REALTOR Associations are tasked with enforcement of the Code of Ethics. If you believe a REALTOR has violated the Code of Ethics, please contact the local REALTOR association where the REALTOR® holds primary membership. If you need additional information or forms, click the link below to learn more.
REALTORS Legal Hot Line
All REALTOR® members may now log on to the Virginia Association of REALTORS® website and submit legal questions via the online form, ABSOLUTELY FREE! Use this easy link to submit your legal question: here
Tech Helpline
Have ANY technology problems or questions?
Contact the Tech Helpline via email at
support@techhelpline.com or by phone at